Mediation within the OSCE

In a special issue entitled "Unravelling Complexities in OSCE Mediation", 16 authors analyze the challenges and complexities involved in the mediation work of the OSCE. The special issue was edited by CSS's Anna Hess Sargsyan.

The Special Issue on mediation was launched at the annual OSCE Conflict Cycle Seminar in Vienna. The seminar was opened by Ambassador Florian Raunig, Head of the Austrian OSCE Chairmanship Taskforce, as well as by OSCE Secretary General, Ambassador Thomas Greminger. OSCE, Ghada Hazim

The Security and Human Rights Journal, published by Brill Njhoff and managed under the auspices of the Netherlands Helsinki Committee (NHC), recently launched its special edition on mediation. Under the editorial guidance of CSS’ Anna Hess Sargsyan (ETH Zürich), the special edition, entitled "Unravelling Complexities in OSCE Mediation", is an attempt to diffuse oversimplified narratives by unravelling the complexities involved in the mediation work of the OSCE. By unpacking these overgeneralized narratives, the publication takes a critical look at the key factors that shape the mediation work of the OSCE: its institutional set-up with regard to conflict resolution mechanisms and relevant procedures; the geopolitical interests and tensions among participating States engaged in mediation processes; as well as specific technicalities related to process design.

With this intent in mind, the publication brings together highly relevant perspectives from 16 different authors (including practitioners, policy makers and academics) who provide a valuable mix of practical and theoretical insights into the complex world of OSCE mediation. The special edition presents diverse views on the OSCE-led or supported peace processes as well as the nature of relevant protracted conflicts, covering these topics from various angles, including those of mediators, third parties and conflict parties. The conclusions of the individual authors are aimed at stimulating debate and providing concrete recommendations for OSCE practitioners and policy makers. The special edition additionally contains a foreword by the current OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz.

The SHR special edition on mediation was launched at the annual OSCE Conflict Cycle Seminar, which took place on October 23, 2017 under the auspices of the OSCE Austrian Chairmanship in Vienna. The audience included representatives from all delegations of the OSCE Participating States, as well as members of the expert community.

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