Unpacking Complexity in the Ukraine Peace Process

The conflict in and around Ukraine seems to be immune to political settlement. The lack of political will of the parties and technical challenges have led to a stalemate in the implementation of the Minsk agreements, signed under international pressure. Unpacking the complexity of the Minsk Process allows for a better understanding of the challenges and modest results achieved so far.

The dilapidated pedestrian bridge of Stanytsia Luhanska is the only crossing point between government and non-government-controlled areas in the Luhansk region. ICRC

Switzerland and the Peace Process

In June 2014, during its OSCE Presidency, Switzerland appointed Swiss diplomat Heidi Tagliavini as the OSCE Special Representative for Ukraine. She served in this capacity within the Trilateral Contact Group from the summer of 2014 until June 2015. Since then, Switzerland has supported the Trilateral Contact Group and its four working groups through Ambassador Toni Frisch, OSCE Co-ordinator of the Working Group on Humanitarian Affairs. Furthermore, Switzerland deployed up to 16 monitors to and, until October 2018, Alexander Hug as deputy head of the OSCE’s Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine.

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