Educating Engineers for Resilience

In this CSS Policy Perspective, Benjamin Scharte argues that critical infrastructures are becoming more complex and interdependent, which in turn is increasing their vulnerability. The resilience of these systems against disruption and failure is thus crucial. According to the author, engineers can help increase critical infrastructure resilience if they acknowledge the complexity and socio-technical nature of such infrastructure.

Evening rush hour in central Beijing. Urban traffic is an example of a complex socio-technical system. Jason Lee / Reuters

Key Points

  • Due to their increasing complexity and interdependency critical infrastructures are becoming more vulnerable, which leads to a growing need for resilience.
  • Engineers can help to increase critical infrastructure resilience if they acknowledge their socio-technical nature.
  • Educating engineers should encompass complexity theory.
  • Engineering studies should include findings from the social sciences on topics such as normative issues or proper communication.

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