Sicherheitspolitische Trends 2021-​2029: The Post-​ COVID-​19 World

Every year, the CSS analyzes developments in world politics and their potential consequences for Switzerland over the next eight years. This year, we focus on the impact of the coronavirus pandemic around the world.

by Sara Rodriguez Martinez
Post-Covid World

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Among others, topics include the US and NATO after Trump; the role of drones and robotics in armed forces; how Russia and China will likely emerge from the coronavirus crisis; security trends in regions around the Mediterranean including the Gulf, and how vaccines could help overcome the pandemic.


Chapter 1. Einführung: Weltordnung im Wandel
By Oliver Thränert

Chapter 2. Drohnen und Robotik in den Streitkräften
By Michael Haas and Annabelle Vuille

Chapter 3. Impfstoffe gegen SARS-CoV-2
By Michèle Gemünden

Chapter 4. A Biden Administration as an Opportunity to Renew NATO
By Henrik Larsen

Chapter 5. COVID-19: An Opportunity for China, a Setback for Russia
By Brian G. Carlson

Chapter 6. Europäische Verteidigungsbudgets nach COVID-19
By Niklas Masuhr

Chapter 7. Post-Brexit: Grossbritannien und Europäische Sicherheitspolitik
By Julian Kamasa

Chapter 8. Die EU und die Türkei: Entfremdung trotz Interdependenzen
By Fabien Merz

Chapter 9. The Pandemic Will Fuel Instability in the Maghreb
By Lisa Watanabe

Chapter 10. Persistent, but Not Imminent: Nuclear Proliferation Risks in the Middle East
By Névine Schepers

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