Focus Belarus

After the forced landing of a passenger jet by Belarus and the arrest of regime opponent Roman Protasevich, international observers are struggling to find an adequate reaction. A series of media contributions by CSS senior researcher Benno Zogg provide orientation.


Media Contributions

external pageAvion détourné par la Biélorussie : un casse-tête pour Vladimir Poutine

Speculation about Vladimir Putin's potential role in the spectacular arrest in Belarus are widespread. France 24 talked to experts about Russia's overall interests in Belarus. Benno Zogg says that this crisis is convenient for Putin because he no longer appears as the worst villain in the region.

external pageWhat’s happening with that journalist in Belarus?

For The Millennial Source, Benno Zogg states that the arrest of Roman Protasevich in Belarus is part of a larger wave of push back from the regime against individuals and organizations who speak out against the government.

external pageDüpiert von Lukaschenko: Diese Möglichkeiten hat die EU jetzt noch

The EU is reacting to events in Belarus and imposing new sanctions. In this Blick article, Benno Zogg explains what considerations and possible consequences could be associated with the measures.

external pageBelarus: Regime Non Grata?

The seizure of a civilian airliner to arrest an opponent risks marginalizing Belarus even further. Beyond immediate shock and response, what do events in Belarus imply more broadly? Is the regime going rogue? What response is desirable? Benno Zogg contextualizes in this RUSI Commentary.

external pageBenno Zogg: Lukaschenko Einhalt gebieten – aber wie?

International observers are struggling to react to the latest arrest out of an airplane in Belarus. The EU announced new sanctions. For SRF's Tagesgespräch, Benno Zogg assesses the incident and Belarus' current path.

external pageInsassen erleben Schreckliches: So lief die Flugzeug-Entführung in Belarus

After Lukashenko's maneuver, the first airlines avoid Belarusian airspace. The Lufthansa Group is drawing conclusions. And the EU is also imposing sanctions. For Blick TV, Benno Zogg discusses the latest escalation.

external pageEU discusses possible sanctions against Belarus

After the forced landing of a passenger jet by Belarus, EU leaders must enact new sanctions. For Deutsche Welle TV, Benno Zogg discusses what these measures may look like and what effect they may have on the calculations of the regime.

external page«Wirtschaftssanktionen treiben Belarus weiter in die Abhängigkeit von Russland»

Belarusian president Alexander Lukashenko is suspected of staging a bomb threat to force an EU passenger plane to land and to arrest regime opponent Roman Protasevich, who was on board, on Belarusian soil. Benno Zogg explains why sanctions are difficult despite international criticism - and why they could hit the wrong people.

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