One, Two, or Two Hundred Internets?
Despite growing massively since the 1990s and its continued success, the debate about whether the Internet is losing its global nature is getting an increased amount of traction. The political future of the Internet is often discussed in terms of three archetypes: 1) a single global Internet, 2) a bifurcated Internet, split into a Chinese-led and an US-led Internet, and 3) a fragmented Internet, split into many national segments, argues Kevin Kohler in this CSS Cyberdefense Report.
The War in Ukraine and Global Nuclear Order
In the lead for Survival, the International Institute for Strategic Studies’ bi-monthly journal, CSS researchers Alexander Bollfrass and Stephen Herzog explain that the global nuclear order is very resilient. It can withstand nuclear threats made by Russia during the war in Ukraine and is not on the brink of collapse.