NATO and Article 5 in Cyberspace
NATO has designated cyberspace as a domain of warfare and recognized that an adversarial cyber campaign could trigger the Alliance’s collective defense mechanism under Article 5. Given the complexities of cyberattacks and the difficulties of designing an effective response, it is unknown whether and what kind of cyberattack(s) might trigger a collective defense response from the Alliance, argues Sarah Wiedemar in this CSS Analysis.
Reaching for the Stars: China's Space Ambitions
In recent years, China has emerged as a major player in space exploration. With milestones such as the successful landing of a Chinese rover on the far side of the moon and the completion of its own space station, China’s space program has captured global attention. However, Beijing’s space ambitions have also raised concerns about the use of its space capabilities for military purposes and its lack of transparency in space operations, argues Sophie-Charlotte Fischer in this CSS Analysis.