Annual Report 2023

In the CSS Annual Report 2023, you can read more about the main focuses and activities of CSS in a year characterized by multiple, overlapping crises with a serious impact on global security.

by Paul Philipp Knell
"Title page-CSS Annual Report 2023"

Russia’s continued war of aggression against Ukraine, Hamas’ terrorist attack on Israel, Israel’s offensive in the Gaza Strip, attacks by Houthi rebels in the Red Sea, the ongoing tensions over Taiwan, climate change: 2023 was characterized by multiple, overlapping crises with serious implications for global security. Defense, security, and foreign policy are confronted with major challenges, both globally and in Switzerland.

One of the CSS Think Tank’s key objectives is to analyze and classify emerging security dynamics, anticipate the likely medium and long-term implications, and to provide advice to its institutional partners – the Federal Department of Defense, Civil Protection and Sport (DDPS) and the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) – on the further development of Swiss foreign, security, and defense policy.

CSS basic research in 2023 has also shed light on topics that are of central importance in view of the multiple crises. One research project is investigating how constraints on the use and proliferation of nuclear weapons, which are currently faltering, can be strengthened. Another research project is examining the digitalization of conflict environments, which poses new challenges for humanitarian organizations such as the ICRC. 

The fragmented global situation also calls for new strategies and innovations in international cooperation. To promote these, ETH Zürich and the United Nations signed a Memorandum of Understanding in October 2023 to intensify their collaboration. As part of this partnership, the CSS, together with the UN Operations and Crisis Centre (UNOCC), has been leading a research project on conflict-event prediction for UN Peacekeeping since 2021. The Master of Advanced Studies ETH Mediation in Peace Processes, which also trains UN mediators, illustrates the relevance of this close partnership. 

Find out more about the think tank's activities, basic research and CSS's cooperation with the United Nations in 2023.

Click here to read the annual report 2023.

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