No. 313: Norms vs. Realities: Cyber at the UN

No. 313: Norms vs. Realities: Cyber at the UN

Author(s): Taylor Grossman
Series Editor(s): Benno Zogg, Julian Kamasa, Fabien Merz, Névine Schepers
Series: CSS Analyses in Security Policy
Issue: 313
Publisher(s): Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zürich
Publication Year: 2022

In the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, cyber norms discussions at the UN have reached an impasse. Tensions between the US and Russia have stalled substantive progress, particularly on issues of cyber conduct during armed conflict. Yet, the continued existence of the UN working groups is a small but positive sign for the future, as is the growth of norm discussion venues beyond the UN.


Enlarged view:
UN Norms Processes at a Glance
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