Cyber Ceasefires: Incorporating Restraints on Offensive Cyber Operations in Agreements to Stop Armed Conflict

Cyber Ceasefires: Incorporating Restraints on Offensive Cyber Operations in Agreements to Stop Armed Conflict

Author(s): Sean Kane, Govinda Clayton
Series Editor(s): Simon J. A. Mason
Series: CSS Mediation Resources
Publisher(s): Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zürich
Publication Year: 2021
Publication Place: Zürich

There is a growing convergence between offensive cyber capabilities and physical warfare. Yet despite the increased use of offensive cyber capabilities in armed conflict, no guidance currently exists for peace practitioners on if, or how, peace processes may need to evolve with this trend. This study represents one of the first attempts to address this gap, focusing specifically on how developments in offensive cyber capabilities might impact efforts to negotiate and implement ceasefires. It also sets out and analyzes possible adaptations and responses.
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