

This case study analyses Cambodia’s Trade Sector-Wide Approach (SWAp) from the perspective of inclusive growth and poverty reduction. It contributes to a programme of work titled ‘Aid for Trade: Promoting Inclusive Growth and Poverty Reduction’, which aims to inform the implementation the EU Aid for Trade Strategy placing a greater focus on poverty reduction. The introductory section sets the trade, growth and poverty context of Cambodia and briefly outlines the Aid for Trade agenda. Section 2 situates this case study within this agenda and provides background on two key trade sector programmes – the Cambodia Better Factories programme and the Integrated Framework launched in 2001. Section 3 provides a detailed analysis of the key elements of the Trade SWAp. Finally, Section 4 provides a summary of the key conclusions and lessons learned for the implementation of an integrated approach to pro-poor Aid for Trade.

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Series ODI Research Reports and Studies
Publisher Overseas Development Institute (ODI)
Copyright © 2009 Overseas Development Institute (ODI)
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