
The East-West Center contributes to a peaceful, prosperous and just Asia Pacific community by serving as a hub for cooperative research, education and dialogue on critical issues of common concern to the Asia Pacific region and the US. Its AsiaPacific Issues series aims to illuminate issues of broad interest or significant impact in the Asia-Pacific region. Written without jargon that would exclude nonspecialists, these analyses report on the environment, international relations, domestic politics, human rights, population and health, economics, trade and other areas of critical importance.

Publishers: East-West Center (EWC)
Publications: Misunderstanding North Korea
From Poor Peasants to Entrepreneurial Farmers: The Transformation of Rural Life in Northeast Thailand
Low Fertility in Japan: No End in Sight
Does Unplanned Urbanization Pose a Disease Risk in Asia? The Case of Avian Influenza in Vietnam
Land Tenure Security and Policy Tensions in Myanmar
International Criminal Justice and Southeast Asia: Approaches to Ending Impunity for Mass Atrocities
El Niño Strenghtens in the Pacific: Preparing for the Impacts of Drought
China's Hidden Obstacles to Socioeconomic Rebalancing
The ASEAN Economic Community: What Stands in the Way
Transforming the Regional Architecture: New Players and Challenges for the Pacific Islands
North Korea and the Sony Hack: Exporting Instability through Cyberspace
The Asia-Pacific Cooperation Agenda
Broadcasting Justice: Media Outreach at the Khmer Rouge Trials
Rubber Plantations Expand in Mountainous Southeast Asia
See No Evil: South Korean Labor Practices in North Korea
Democratic Change and Forest Governance in the Asia Pacific
Creating Korea's Future Economy
South Korea's Response to Human Rights Abuses in North Korea
Can a Growing Services Sector Renew Asia's Economic Growth?
The Elusive Nature of North Korean Reform
How Emerging Forms of Capitalism Are Changing the Global Economic Order
More Security for Rising China, Less for Others?
A Double-Edged Sword: Information Technology in North Korea
Terrorism in Perspective: An Assessment of ‘Jihad Project’ Trends in Indonesia
Post-Crisis Japanese Nuclear Policy: From Top-Down Directives to Bottom-Up Activism
Policy Concerns of Low Fertility for Military Planning in South Korea
The End of 'Growth with Equity'?
Indonesia Expands ASEAN's Role
China's Innovation Policy is a Wake-up Call for America
Population Aging and Economic Progress in Asia
In Search of Refuge
Land Rights in Cambodia
Cities at Risk
Is the Trial of
Very Low Fertility in Asia
Beyond the Truth: Can Reparations Move Peace and Justice Forward in Timor-Leste?
Crossing Borders, Changing Landscapes: Land-Use Dynamics in the Golden Triangle
Forest Communities and REDD Climate Initiatives
The New ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights
Why Science Alone Won't Solve the Climate Crisis
Are the Farmers Always Right?
North Korean Shipping: A Potential for WMD Proliferation?
Multitrack Integration in East Asian Trade: Noodle Bowl or Matrix?
Oil in Asia and the Pacific: Production, Consumption, Imports, and Policy Options
How Does Son Preference Affect Populations in Asia?
Viable and Environment-Friendly Sources for Meeting South Asia's Growing Energy Needs
Disincentives for Democratic Change in China
Poverty Reduction in the 'Tribal Belt' of Eastern India
'Justice on the Cheap' Revisited: The Failure of the Serious Crimes Trials in East Timor
China and the Depreciating US Dollar
Banking Crises in East Asia: The Price Tag of Liberalization?
Can China Afford to Continue Its One-Child Policy?
What Motivates Regional Financial Cooperation in East Asia Today?
An India-Pakistan Détente: What It Could Mean for Sustainable Development in South Asia and Beyond
The Politics of Environmental Policy with a Himalayan Example
Tourism in a 'Borderless' World: The Singapore Experience

Political Parties and Political Engineering in the Asia Pacific Region
Asian Oil Market Outlook: Role of the Key Players
The Move to Preferential Trade in the Western Pacific Rim
HIV/AIDS in Asia
Changing Korean Perceptions of the Post–Cold War Era and the US–ROK Alliance
Living with a Climate in Transition: Pacific Communities Plan for Today and Tomorrow
Coast Guards: New Forces For Regional Order and Security
The Demographic and Political Imperatives for Improving Crown-Maori Relations in Aotearoa-New Zealand
Indoor Air Pollution: The Quiet Killer
The Case for US Leadership in Rebuilding Afghanistan
Seeking Justice on the Cheap: Is the East Timor Tribunal Really a Model for the Future?
Managing Asia Pacific's Energy Dependence on the Middle East: Is There a Role for Central Asia?
China's State-Owned Enterprises: Thriving or Crumbling?
As Asia's Population Ages, Worries Grow about the Future
Putting the Pieces in Place for Japan's Economic Recovery

Terrorism and America: Five Asia Pacific Perspectives
Japan's Uneasy Citizens and the U.S. - Japan Alliance
Rough Waters in the South China Sea: Navigation Issues and Confidence-Building Measures
Dysfunctional Democracy and the Dirty War in Sri Lanka
APEC and the Environment: Civil Society in an Age of Globalization
Undermining the WTO: The Case Against 'Open Sectoralism'
The Riel Value of Money: How the World's Only Attempt to Abolish Money Has Hindered Cambodia's Economic Development
The Internet's Effect on Business Organization: Bane or Boon for Developing Asia?
How Blaming 'Slash and Burn' Farmers is Deforesting Mainland Southeast Asia
The Future of E-Commerce in China
Multilateralism and Regional Security: Can the ASEAN Regional Forum Really Make a Difference?
Natural Gas: The Fuel of the Future in Asia
Domestic Politics Fuels Northeast Asian Maritime Disputes
Potential Partners: India and the United States
Japan at the Crossroads
The Struggle for Free Trade
Strapped for Cash, Asians Plunder their Forests and Endanger their Future
International Response to Nuclear Tests in South Asia
Russia's Media Revolution: From Party Control to Money Control
Indonesia in Crisis
Global Lessons of the Economic Crisis in Asia
Toxic Waste: Hazardous to Asia's Health
Will Population Change Sustain the 'Asian Economic Miracle'?
A New Era for Japan and the Pacific Islands: The Tokyo Summit
China and Central Asia's Volatile Mix: Energy, Trade, and Ethnic Relations
The Fallacy of Global Sustainable Development
Migrants on the Move in Asia
The US and Japan in APEC: Arena for Leadership in Asia and the Pacific
The China Syndrome: Rising Nationalism and Conflict with the West
Nuclear Energy Thrives in Asia
Chinese Women's Lives: Rhetoric and Reality
Sweeping Changes Shape a New Pacific Asia
Indonesia in the 1990s: More than Meets the Eye
Memory Wars: The Politics of Remembering the Asia-Pacific War
Pacific Transitions: Population and Change in Island Societies
Energy Outlook to 2010: Asia-Pacific Demand, Supply and Climate Change Implications
China's Ethnic Reawakening
The Rise of Global Intellectual Property Rights and Their Impact on Asia
A New Agenda for APEC: Setting Up the 'Building Blocks' of Free Trade
AIDS in Asia: The Gathering Storm
Do Population Programs Violate Women's Human Rights?
Resource-Rich Central Asia Opens to the World
Marketing the Rainforest: 'Green' Panacea or Red Herring
US - Japan Trade: Get Smart, Not Just Tough
UN Peacekeeping Missions: The Lessons from Cambodia
Looking for Pollution Where the People Are
Pacific Summit in Seattle: Testing Clinton's Asia-Pacific Policy
America's Trade: Markets Count More Than Deficits
The High Costs of Environmental Loans
Dear President Clinton: Voices from Asia and the Pacific
The Challenges of Vietnam's Reconstruction
South Korea's New President Faces Hard Times at Home and New International Demands
Legislative Election in Taiwan May Pose Problems for United States and China
Japan and the United States: Helping Each Other Cope with Change
Japanese Emperor's Visit to China Sends Important Signals to the United States
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