
With more than 50 years of experience, the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) is Norway’s leading independent centre for research and information on international political and economic issues, and on areas of central relevance to Norwegian foreign policy. NUPI undertakes long-term basic research as well as short-term applied research and advisory services. Central to all NUPI’s work is interdisciplinary collaboration, both within the institute and with other institutes and bodies in Norway and abroad. NUPI offers a wide range of publications covering various issues within international relations research.

Publishers: Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI)
Publications: Building Bridges for Success: Rethinking Peace Operations Training for Complex Environments
Russia´s Turn to Asia: Myanmar Seen from Moscow
Swedish-Norwegian Defence Cooperation: New Opportunities?
Upholding the NATO Cyber Pledge: Cyber Deterrence and Resilience
Norwegian Police in International Operations: 1989-2016
Russia and China in Greenland?
Being Peacekept? The Implicit Assumptions that Hamper the Protection of Civilians
China´s Cyber Sovereignty
Sino-Russia Strategic Alignment and Potential Impact of a Trump Presidency
A Pivot to What? Asia-Pacific Foreign Policy under Trump
Strategic Partners against Terrorism 2.0? Collaborating with Adversaries?
Strategic Partners against Terrorism 2.0? Russia´s Initial Positions on Syria
Georgia Elections: Georgian Dream still at the Helm
New Momentum for European Defence Cooperation
How Can Peacekeepers Strengthen their Engagement with Local Communities?
The Human Rights Pillar of the United Nations: Challenges and the Way Ahead
Rethinking the Humanitarian-Development Nexus
Lebanon on the Brink
China´s Belt and Road Initiative and the New Eurasian Order
EU Referendum: The Beginning, Not the End, of Brexiteers´ Problems
China´s New Development Bank and Infrastructure-led Growth
Military Non-Alignment, Political Solidarity, and a Retreat to Territorial Defence: How to Understand the Swedish NATO-Debate
Can NATO’s New Very High Readiness Joint Task Force Deter?
Expectations for the Warsaw Summit: Conventional and Nuclear Responses to Russian Belligerence
Holding the Borders, Holding the Centre: The EU and the Refugee Crisis
The US Presidential Election and its Implications on Middle East Policy
Nord Stream 2: Policy Dilemmas and the Future of EU Gas Market
The Humanitarian–Development Nexus in Northern Uganda
Norway, the Joint Strike Fighter Program and its Implications for Transatlantic Defense Industrial Cooperation
The United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan (UNMISS)
Cyber Security Capacity Building in Developing Countries
How Do Little Frogs Fly? Small States in the European Union
Energizing Russia’s Pivot: Japan-Russia Energy Relations, Post-Fukushima and post-Ukraine
The High-Level Independent Panel on UN Peace Operations
The EU, Russia and Ukraine: A Double Track with no End?
Norway and the BRICS (IV): Challenges and Opportunities
Norway and the BRICS (III): Trade, Investments and Opportunities
Norway and the BRICS (II): The Current State of Play
Norway and the BRICS (I): An Overview of Emerging Power Cooperation
Key Policies Affecting Civilian Capacities
NATO Enlargement - Back on the Agenda
Reality Check for the EU
We Saw it Coming: Jihadist Terrorism, Challenges for the European Union
Policing in Peace Operations in Africa
France and the European Union: a Story of Reason Rather than Love
Views from the Pivot Point: Chinese Perceptions of Russia’s ‘Go East’ Strategy
One of Three Roads: The Role of the Northern Sea Route in Evolving Sino- Russian Strategic Relations
TTIP - Economic Consequences and Possibilities for Third Countries: The Case of Norway
The European Gas Puzzle
Emerging Powers and Peace Operations: An Agenda for Research
The Rise of Euroscepticism and How to Deal with it in the EU
Indian Perspectives on the Use of Force and the Growing Robustness of UN Peacekeeping
The Long, Short, and Breadth of It: Mapping the Pentagon’s Rebalance to Asia
Women, Peace and Security: Gender Challenges Within UN Peacekeeping Missions
Norway and 20 years of EEA
South-South and Triangular Cooperation for Peace and Development
Snowden: Impact in Norway
Importance of the European Neighbourhood Policy
The European Council and Defence: The State of our Ambition
The EEA and Norway Grants as a Source of Soft Power
The Civilian Capacities Initiative and Gender-Responsive Peace-building
Norms and Conditionality: The EU and Ukraine
Civil Society and Arab Transitions: A New Beginning?
Coming into the Cold: Asia's Arctic Interests
Enduring Challenges in the Governance of Money Laundering
Black Money Whitening Law
With a Little Help from My Friends
Policies That Protect: The African Union and the Protection of Civilians
Countering ‘Malestreaming’
System-wide SSR Support in the DRC
Gender Perspectives on UN Peacekeeping Innovations?
Whither the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership?
EU-Asia Relations: A New Start?
Women, Peace and Security in Somalia
What People Think Does Matter: Understanding and Integrating Local Perceptions into UN Peacekeeping
Selection Procedures and Incentives for Government Provided Personnel (GPP) in the Rule of Law
CIVCAP, Emerging Powers and the Global South
UNMISS County Support Bases: Peacekeeping–Peacebuilding Nexus at Work?
Russia – A BRIC Country?
Inter-Cultural Dialogue in Crises – A Comparative Study
Emerging Powers and the Responsibility to Protect after Libya
Belated Courtship? The Uneasy Partnership Between Brazil and the EU
Protecting Civilians While Fighting a War in Somalia
CIVCAP 2012: Laying Concrete Foundations
Linking Regional Security and Human Rights in ASEAN
Linking Regional Security and Human Rights in the African Union
Casting the Net Too Deep and Too Wide?
Offering the Diagnosis, but Lacking the Medicine
Contextualizing Peacebuilding Activities to Local Circumstances: Liberian Case Study
Great Power, Arctic Power: Russia’s Engagement in the High North
Operational Mentoring and Liaison Teams (OMLT): The Norwegian Army and their Afghan Partners
A Stocktaking of Norwegian Engagement in Security Sector Reform
Preparing and Mobilizing Civilian Capacity for the Future
Ukraine: Precarious Post-electoral Reversals
Norway’s Whole-of-Government Approach
Humanitarian Security Needs in the Field
The Strategic Significance of Afghanistan
Regional Change: How Will the Rise of China and India Shape Afghanistan’s Stabilization Process?
Institutional Constraints to Effective Peacebuilding in Liberia
Swat: Main Causes of the Rise of Militancy
The Role of the SRSG in UN Integrated Missions
Civilian Capacity in United Nations Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding Missions
An Honourable Exit for MINURCAT?
Seeing like a Resolution?
The Protection of Women and Children in Liberia
Combating Sexual Violence in the DRC
Challenges to Implementing the Protection of Civilians Agenda
The Tension Between UN HQ and the Field in Implementing the Protection of Civilians
Why Peacebuilders are “Blind” and “Arrogant” and What to do About It
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