Ergebnisse 21-25 von 324
Counting Good and Bad Deeds under Military Rule: Islam and Divine Bookkeeping in Nablus (Palestine)
Author(s): Emanuel Schäublin
Publisher(s): Manchester University Press
Publication Year: 2021
Failing to Strike Better Deals: Trump und die Rüstungskontrolle
Author(s): Oliver Thränert
Publisher(s): Nomos Verlag
Publication Year: 2021
Backchannel Non-Proliferation: Militarily Non-Aligned States and Nuclear Diplomacy
Author(s): Stephen Herzog
Publisher(s): Springer/T.M.C. Asser Press
Publication Year: 2021
Creating Stability and a Nuclear Order: Genese und Perspektiven nuklearer Rüstungskontrolle und Abrüstung
Author(s): Oliver Thränert
Publisher(s): Springer VS
Publication Year: 2021
Rethinking the Impact of Emerging Technologies on Strategic Stability
Author(s): Andrea Gilli, Mauro Gilli
Editor(s): Amelia Morgan, Anna Péczeli
Publisher(s): Center for Global Security Research Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Publication Year: 2021