Weitere Publikationen

Mehr Dialog mit der Zivilgesellschaft

Mehr Dialog mit der Zivilgesellschaft

Author(s): Christian Nünlist
Publication Year: 2018

The Road to the Charter of Paris

The Road to the Charter of Paris

Author(s): Christian Nünlist, Juhana Aunesluoma, Benno Zogg
Publisher(s): OSCE Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions
Publication Year: 2017

The EU’s “ Energy Union ”: A Challenge of Continued Expectation Management

The EU’s “ Energy Union ”: A Challenge of Continued Expectation Management

Author(s): Severin Fischer
Editor(s): Center for European Studies
Publication Year: 2017

European Security: Challenges at the Societal Level

European Security: Challenges at the Societal Level

Author(s): Wolfgang Zellner, Irina Chernykh, Alain Délétroz, Frank Evers, Barbara Kunz, Christian Nünlist, Philip Remler, Oleksiy Semeniy, Andrei Zagorski
Publisher(s): OSCE Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions
Publication Year: 2016

Per aspera ad astra: Der lange Weg zur einheitlichen Polizeiausbildung

Per aspera ad astra: Der lange Weg zur einheitlichen Polizeiausbildung

Author(s): Lisa Wildi
Publication Year: 2016

2017: War with Russia: An Urgent Warning from Senior Military Command

2017: War with Russia: An Urgent Warning from Senior Military Command

Author(s): Martin Zapfe
Publication Year: 2016

Sicherheit wird häufig an private Unternehmen delegiert

Sicherheit wird häufig an private Unternehmen delegiert

Author(s): Matthias Bieri
Publication Year: 2016

Turkey and the Energy Transit Question

Turkey and the Energy Transit Question

Author(s): Severin Fischer
Publication Year: 2016

Aktiv neutral in der KSZE

Aktiv neutral in der KSZE

Author(s): Christian Nünlist
Publication Year: 2016

Present in a quagmire? NATO’s Baltic presence and “Hybrid Threats”

Present in a quagmire? NATO’s Baltic presence and “Hybrid Threats”

Author(s): Martin Zapfe
Editor(s): Andris Sprūds, Diāna Potjomkina
Publisher(s): Latvian Institute of International Affairs
Publication Year: 2016

Reviving Co-operative Security in Europe through the OSCE

Reviving Co-operative Security in Europe through the OSCE

Author(s): Christian Nünlist et.al.
Editor(s): Teija Tiilikainen
Publisher(s): OSZE
Publication Year: 2015

Der Schweizer OSZE-Vorsitz 2014 und die Ukrainekrise

Der Schweizer OSZE-Vorsitz 2014 und die Ukrainekrise

Author(s): Christian Nünlist
Publication Year: 2015

Working on Religion, Peace and Conflict in Theravada Buddhist Countries: Reflections by Practitioners

Working on Religion, Peace and Conflict in Theravada Buddhist Countries: Reflections by Practitioners

Author(s): Owen Frazer, Martine Miller
Publisher(s): CSS and Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers
Publication Year: 2015

Besser als nichts, aber keine Lösung

Besser als nichts, aber keine Lösung

Author(s): Oliver Thränert
Publication Year: 2015

Limit missile defense - or expand it?

Limit missile defense - or expand it?

Author(s): Oliver Thränert
Publisher(s): SAGE
Publication Year: 2015

China: Exit Counter-Intervention, Enter Peripheral Defense

China: Exit Counter-Intervention, Enter Peripheral Defense

Author(s): Michael Haas
Publisher(s): The Diplomat
Publication Year: 2015

Situation Report: Algeria

Situation Report: Algeria

Author(s): Lisa Watanabe
Publisher(s): Tony Blair Faith Foundation
Publication Year: 2015

Wo Huntington Recht hatte

Wo Huntington Recht hatte

Author(s): Oliver Thränert
Publisher(s): Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
Publication Year: 2015

Die Wurzeln des Salafismus

Die Wurzeln des Salafismus

Expert(s): Roland Popp
Publisher(s): ETH Zürich
Publication Year: 2015

Conservers, Swingers, and Censors: Searching for the Common Denominator in Cyber Governance

Conservers, Swingers, and Censors: Searching for the Common Denominator in Cyber Governance

Author(s): Livio Pigoni
Publisher(s): Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University
Publication Year: 2015

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