Contested History: Rebuilding Trust in European Security

Contested History: Rebuilding Trust in European Security

Autor(en): Christian Nünlist
Herausgeber: Oliver Thränert, Martin Zapfe
Reihenherausgeber: Andreas Wenger
Buchtitel: Strategic Trends 2017: Key Developments in Global Affairs
Serie: Strategic Trends
Seiten: 11-34
Verlag(e): Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zürich
Publikationsjahr: 2017
Publikationsort: Zürich

Different interpretations of the recent past still cast a negative shadow on the relations between Russia and the West. The Ukraine Crisis was a symptom, but not the deeper cause of Russia’s disengagement from the European peace order of 1990. While the current situation is far from a “new Cold War”, reconstructing contested history and debating missed opportunities are needed today to create trust and overcome European insecurity.


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