Prof. Dr. Andreas Wenger

IFW C 48.2
Haldeneggsteig 4
8092 Zurich
Phone: +41 44 632 59 10
Andreas Wenger is professor of International and Swiss Security Policy at ETH Zurich. He studied History, Political Science and German Literature at the University of Zurich. He holds a Doctorate from the University of Zurich and was a visiting fellow at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs and the Center of International Studies, Princeton University. During that period, he wrote his doctoral dissertation analyzing the role of nuclear weapons in the Cold War international system. The focus of his main research interests lies on security and strategic studies and the history of international relations. Within the MA program in Comparative and International Studies (MACIS), he teaches seminars on political violence and security politics.
Andreas Wenger has been the Director of the Center for Security Studies (CSS) at ETH Zurich since 2002. The CSS is a center of excellence for national and international security policy. Since its foundation in 1986, the CSS has fulfilled a national role at the intersection of academia and public policy and a key bridging function vis-à-vis society and politics. The CSS maintains a strong partnership with the Federal Department of Defense, Civil Protection and Sport (DDPS) and the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA). These partnerships cover research, education, and policy engagement.
Andreas Wenger was a guest scholar at Princeton University (1992–1994), Yale University (1998), the Woodrow Wilson Center (2000), and the George Washington University (2005). He serves as Director of studies for the Master of Advanced Studies Mediation in Peace Processes (MAS ETH MPP), the Diploma of Advanced Studies ETH in Military Sciences (DAS ETH MILWISS), and the BA ETH in Public Policy; as President’s delegate for professor appointment procedures; and as member of ETH Zurich Strategy Commission.
Selected Publications
Conflict Resolution and Violence Prevention
Books and Book Chapters
Journal Articles
Strategic Competition in an Age of Complexity
Books and Book Chapters
Journal Articles
Digital Technologies and Security Politics
Books and Book Chapters
Journal Articles
Swiss Foreign, Security, and Defence Policy
Books and Book Chapters
Wenger, Andreas (Forthcoming) 'Sicherheitspolitik / Security Policy', in: Knoepfel, Peter et al. (eds.) Handbuch der Schweizer Politik 6, Zürich: NZZ Libro.
external page Wenger, Andreas (2021) 'Frieden und Sicherheit : hybride Bedrohungen, neue Handlungsspielräume', in: Bernauer, Thomas; Gentinetta, Katja; Kuntz, Joëlle (eds.) Aussenpolitik für die Schweiz im 21. Jahrhundert, NZZ Libro, Zürich: 247-263.