Team Swiss and Euro-Atlantic Security

The Swiss and Euro-​Atlantic Security Team analyzes issues in Swiss foreign and security policy, developments in the Euro-​Atlantic security architecture and in Europe’s southern and eastern neighborhoods. Researchers in the team are further focusing on internal security in Europe, preventing violent extremism, nuclear arms control and non-​proliferation, geopolitics and governance of technologies as well as on dual-​use research of concern in life sciences.

The team publishes the monthly CSS Analyses and the annual Bulletin zur schweizerischen Sicherheitspolitik (in German). Members of the team contribute to public debates through regular analyses, media and panel debates.

Schepers, Névine

Névine Schepers co-leads the Swiss and Euro-Atlantic Security Team. Her areas of research include nuclear arms control and non-​proliferation issues.

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Reiners, Sophie

Sophie Reiners’ research focuses on Dual-Use Research of Concern in Chemistry and Life Sciences.

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leo eigner

Leo Eigner’s research focuses on science diplomacy as well as Swiss and Euro-Atlantic science and technology policy.

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Dr Gorana Grgić

Dr Gorana Grgić is a Senior Researcher and her research interests include US and EU foreign policy, NATO, and the nexus between Euro-Atlantic and Indo-Pacific security.

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