Névine Schepers

Nevine Schepers

Haldeneggsteig 4
8092 Zürich

Phone: +41 44 633 93 66
Mail: nevine.schepers@sipo.gess.ethz.ch

Névine Schepers heads the Swiss and Euro-Atlantic Security Team at the Center for Security Studies (CSS) at ETH Zurich where she is also a Senior Researcher. She is also co-​editor of the monthly policy brief series CSS Analyses in Security Policy. Névine is a member of the European Leadership Network’s external page Younger Generation Leaders Network on Euro-Atlantic Security (YGLN) and a mentor for the EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Consortium’s external page Young Women in Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Mentorship Programme.

Névine holds a BA in Asian Studies from the University of Sydney and a Dual Master’s Degree in European and Asian Affairs from the universities of Sciences Po in Paris and Fudan in Shanghai. Before joining the CSS in 2020, Névine worked at the London-based think tanks the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) and VERTIC on non-proliferation and nuclear policy.

Her areas of research include nuclear arms control, non-proliferation, disarmament and deterrence issues.

Selected Publications

Download Schepers, Névine (2024) 'No. 339: Heightened Nuclear Risks and the Risk Reduction Agenda', CSS Analyses in Security Policy. (PDF, 579 KB)

Schepers, Névine (2023) ‘Alliances and Extended Nuclear Deterrence in Europe and Asia’, in: Carlson, Brian G.; Thränert, Oliver (eds) Strategic Trends 2023: Key Developments in Global Affairs, Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zürich: 63-82.

external page Schepers, Névine (2023) ‘Review of: Siegfried S. Hecker withElliot A.Serbin,Hinge Points: An Inside Look at North Korea's Nuclear Program. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2023’, H-Diplo|Robert Jervis International Security Studies Forum, Review Essay 81.

Schepers, Névine (2023) ‘Die Rüstungskontroll-, Abrüstungs- und Nichtverbreitungspolitik der Schweiz in Zeiten des Umbruchs’, in: Merz, Fabien; Thränert, Oliver (eds) Bulletin 2023 zur schweizerischen Sicherheitspolitik, CenterforSecurity Studies (CSS), ETH Zürich: 47-70.

external page Schepers, Névine (2023) ‘Switzerland, Nuclear Disarmament and the Origins of the Ban Treaty’,stratosdigital 71.

Schepers, Névine (2022) 'Russia's War and the Global Nuclear Order', CSS Policy Perspectives 10, 6.

external page Schepers, Névine (2022) 'Angesichts der wachsenden Gefahr einer atomaren Eskalation braucht es eine Rückbesinnung auf Abrüstungsdiplomatie', Neue Zürcher Zeitung.

Schepers, Névine (2022) 'Transatlantic Security and the Future of Nuclear Arms Control', in: Carlson, Brian G.; Thränert, Oliver (eds) Strategic Trends 2022: Key Developments in Global Affairs, Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zürich: 69-88.

Masuhr, Niklas; Schepers, Névine (2022) 'No. 300: AUKUS: Below the Surface', CSS Analyses in Security Policy.

Schepers, Névine (ed.) Péczeli, Anna; Roberts, Brad; Schneider, Jonas; Thomson, Adam; Thränert, Oliver; Williams, Heather (2021) 'Redesigning Nuclear Arms Control for New Realities', CSS Policy Perspectives - Special Edition.

Schepers, Névine (2021) 'Emerging and Disruptive Technologies' Impact on Nuclear Risk', in: Thränert, Oliver (ed) Sicherheitspolitische Trends 2022-2030: Grossmächtekonflikt und Technologiewettbewerb, Center for Securitiy Studies (CSS), ETH Zürich: 24-26.

external page Schepers, Névine (2021) 'A Delicate Bargain: the Evolving Global Non-Proliferation Agenda', World Export Control Review.

external page Schepers, Névine (2021) 'Die Rüstungskontrolle den neuen Realitäten anpassen', SIRIUS – Zeitschrift für Strategische Analysen 5, 2: 165-167.

Schepers, Névine (2021) ‘No. 286: Europe and the Nuclear Ban Treaty’, CSS Analyses in Security Policy.

Schepers, Névine; Thränert, Oliver (2021) 'Arms Control Without Treaties', CSS Policy Perspectives 9, 3.

Schepers, Névine (2020) 'No. 276: China and Nuclear Arms Control', CSS Analyses in Security Policy.

Schepers, Névine (2020) 'Persistent, but Not Imminent: Nuclear Proliferation Risks in the Middle East', in: Thränert, Oliver; Watanabe, Lisa (eds.) Sicherheitspolitische Trends 2021–2029: Die Post-​ COVID-​19 Welt, Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zürich: 24-26.

Schepers, Névine (2020) 'Keeping the 2020 Momentum Around Nuclear Issues Alive', CSS Corona Blog.

Schepers, Névine (2020) 'Keeping the Skies Open over Europe', CSS Policy Perspectives 8, 8.

Schepers, Névine (2020) 'The US-​China Clash over Corona Has Implications for Nuclear Arms Control', CSS Corona Blog.

Schepers, Névine (2020) 'Obstacles Ahead: Preserving the JCPOA', CSS Policy Perspectives 8, 3.

external page Schepers, Névine (2019) 'Russia's Nuclear Energy Exports: Status, Prospects and Implications', EU Non-​Proliferation and Disarmament Papers 61: 1-16.

external page Schepers, Névine (2018) 'The Need for Another Look at Tritium', Trust & Verify 158: 7-11.

external page Schepers, Névine; Allard, Léonie (2018) 'Le redéploiement d'armes nucléaires tactiques en Corée du Sud vu par Séoul et Washington', Asia Trends 3.