Soesanto, Stefan; (2024), Russia Indicts Alleged Ransomware Hacker Wanted by the FBI, Bankinfosecurity.
Wiedemar, Sarah; (2024), China challenges Elon Musk in space, seeking to break Starlink's dominance, NZZ.
Soesanto Stefan; (2024), Ukraine's IT army is a 'world first' in cyberwarfare — but it's a major gamble for the government, experts say, Business Insider.
Bollfrass, Alexander; (2024), How America built an AI tool to predict Taliban attacks, The Economist.
Grgic, Gorana; (2024), Major hurdles await Ukraine's ‘irreversible path’ to NATO membership, Japan Time.
Grgić, Gorana; (2024), NATO’s next chief, Mark Rutte, will have his work cut out for him, Japan Time.
Grgić, Gorana; (2024), ‘A safe pair of hands’: Dutch PM emerges as NATO chief front-runner, Japan Time.
Soesanto, Stefan; (2023), Un proche de Poutine sous sanctions aurait été soigné dans une clinique privée zurichoise, Le Temp.
Masuhr, Niklas; (2023), Mit Autoreifen will Moskau seine Bomber schützen – so improvisiert sich Russland durch den Krieg, Neue Zürcher Zeitung.
Soesanto, Stefan; (2023), E-enemy, FirstAidrobot og Eppo: Digitale værktøjer har indtaget slagmarken i Ukraine, Version2.
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Carlson, Brian G.; (2023), Chinese Firm Sent Large Shipments of Gunpowder to Russian Munitions Factory, The New York Time.
Larsen, Henrik; (2023), As well as fighting Russia, Ukrainians are battling corruption at home, The Guardian.
Soesanto, Stefan; (2023), Russische Angriffe auf Schweizer Websites von der Stadt Basel bis zu den SBB: Es geht um Propaganda, Neue Zürcher Zeitung.