Bachelor in Public Policy

The BA course in Public Policy (career officers) is part of a three-and-a-half-year training program for officers of the Swiss armed forces. Candidates can acquire the Swiss Federal Diploma for Professional Military Officers. The course is reserved exclusively for career officer candidates, admission being granted by ETH Zürich upon request submitted by the Military Academy at ETH Zürich (MILAK). It comprises a curriculum of humanities, social and political science subjects, which are supplemented with military science courses. The program is a collaboration between the Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences (D-GESS) at ETH Zurich and the Military Academy (MILAC) at ETH Zurich. The students are also graduates of the Bachelor Course (BLG) at MILAC.

While ETH Zürich offers instruction in the humanities as well as social and political sciences, MILAK provides training in military studies and practical modules. It is also responsible for the professional military training that follows the completion of studies.

Course catalogue

BA Public Policy

Further Information: (in German) and external page


ETH Zürich
Militärakademie an der ETH Zürich
  • +41 (0)44 739 82 82

8903 Birmensdorf