Research Projects
At the heart of the Center for Security Studies (CSS) research activities are key questions of contemporary security and strategy. We are particularly interested in the changing landscape of threats that states and their societies face, the methodologies, concepts, and tools used to gain knowledge about these threats and the way states and other actors organise themselves to confront these threats.
Theoretically informed, but empirically-grounded engagement with threat perceptions, but also actual methodologies, strategies and policies used to manage the threats help us to study the relationship between conceptual shifts in security-thinking and the resulting modes of security governance. By asking for causes and implications of these changes for the state and society, we tackle the key issues of authority and legitimacy in security affairs, and how the relationship between politics and security is re-arranged.
Conflict Resolution and Violence Prevention
- chevron_right Conflict-Event Prediction for UN Peacekeeping
- chevron_right Ceasefires and Mediation Processes
- chevron_right Strong Communities, Weak States: Lynching in Latin America
- chevron_right Remote Monitoring of Armed Conflicts
- chevron_right Switzerland at the UN Security Council: Academic Insights
- chevron_right World Politics and UN Peace Missions
- chevron_right The Internationalisation of Civil War – How the International System Shapes Rebellion
Digital Technologies and Security Politics
Strategic Competition in an Age of Complexity
- chevron_right Emerging technologies in politics and on the battlefield
- chevron_right Conceptualizing Multilateral Nuclear Arms Control
- chevron_right Public and Elite Opinion on Nuclear Politics
- chevron_right Strategic Planning in International Relations
- chevron_right Mechanisms of Nuclear Constraint
- chevron_right Technological Transformations and International security
Concluded Projects
- chevron_right Motivations for Participation in National Cybersecurity Organizations
- chevron_right Cognitive and Affective Components of Cyber Operations
- chevron_right How Military-Technological Trade-Offs Influence Efficient Project Size in Armaments Acquisition
- chevron_right American Grand Strategy towards China
- chevron_right Keeping Many Peaces: Conflict Resolution in Local, Non-State Based Conflicts
- chevron_right The Requirements to Develop a Cyber Force
- chevron_right European Grand Strategy in an Era of Geopolitical Change
- chevron_right Social and Political Consequences of Terrorism in Western Europe
- chevron_right International Security and Global International Relations: Explaining State Behaviour beyond the West
- chevron_right Smart Peace Project
- chevron_right The Implications of Military-Technological Complexity for the US-China Military Competition
- chevron_right Intelligence Assessments of Nuclear Programs
- chevron_right Which Region? The Politics of the UN Security Council P5 in International Security Crises
- chevron_right Fostering Cyber Security through Enhanced Cyber-Intelligence Cooperation: Tools, Opportunities, and Inherent Limitations
- chevron_right The other side of COIN: Insurgents Firepower and Counter-insurgency Outcome
- chevron_right Military-Technological Superiority: Explaining Failure and Success in Industrial Espionage, Reverse Engineering and Imitation of Advanced Weapon Systems
- chevron_right The Role of Political Leaders in Nuclear Proliferation
- chevron_right The Possibilities and Pitfalls of Prediction: Academic Contributions to Future-oriented Policy-making
- chevron_right TAKEDOWN
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- Phone phone+41 44 632 07 55
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Schweiz.- u. Int. Sicherheitspol.
Haldeneggsteig 4