Emerging technologies in politics and on the battlefield


Dominika Kunertova

Emerging technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution—e.g., autonomy, artificial intelligence, quantum, space, biotechnology, hypersonics, and additive manufacturing—are changing how political and military actors think about security and defence. Yet, their impact on military capabilities remains poorly understood. This project therefore looks at emerging technologies as a phenomenon along three axes. First, it examines emerging technologies in the context of strategic competition and problematizes technology hype. Second, recognizing the growing role of emerging technologies in defence cooperation among allies, it revisits NATO alliance cohesion and burden sharing given the intersection between the deteriorating security environment and the technosphere. And third, it looks at how emerging technologies can transform military innovation. Overall, this project aims to produce policy-oriented research intended for researchers in international security, policy makers, and arms control practitioners.

Selected publications

external page Kunertova, Dominika (2023) 'The war in Ukraine shows the game-changing effect of drones depends on the game', Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 79, 2: 95-102.

external page Kunertova, Dominika (2023) ‘La géopolitique des armes hypersoniques’, in: L’Académie des sciences morales et politiques (ed.) Annuaire français de relations internationals, Éditions Panthéon-Assas, 679-693.

external page Kunertova, Dominika (2023) 'Les nouvelles armes hypersoniques : les inconnues connues', Le Rubicon, January 20.

external page Kunertova, Dominika (2022) 'New Hypersonic Weapons: Same but Different', Network for Strategic Analysis, Policy Report 20.

Kunertova, Dominika (2022) 'The Ukraine Drone Effect on European Militaries', CSS Policy Perspectives 10, 15.

Kunertova, Dominika (2022) 'Hypersonic Weapons: Emerging, Disruptive, Political', in: Carlson, Brian G.; Thränert, Oliver (eds.) Strategic Trends 2022: Key Developments in Global Affairs, Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zürich, 43-67.

Kunertova, Dominika (2022) 'Russia’s hypersonic story in Ukraine: “Is this a dagger which I see before me?”', CSS Blog.

Download Kunertova, Dominika (2022), ‘The Vulnerabilities of the Drone Age: Established Threats and Emerging Issues out to 2035’, NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme, ARW Report (with James Rogers). (PDF, 286 KB)

external page Kunertova, Dominika (2021) 'Hypersonic Weapons: Fast, Furious … and Futile?', RUSI Newsbrief 41, 8.

Kunertova, Dominika (2021) 'No. 292: From Robots to Warbots: Reality Meets Science Fiction', CSS Analyses in Security Policy.

Kunertova, Dominika (2021) 'No. 285: Weaponized and Overhyped: Hypersonic Technology', CSS Analyses in Security Policy.