Cyber Security Politics

In the last decade, cyber incidents have become more expensive, more disruptive, and in many cases more political. Within this theme, we focus on two closely interlinked issues: First, the use and misuse of digital technologies by human actors in economic, social, and political contexts. Second, the enduring and conflictual negotiation processes between the state and its bureaucracies, society, and the private sector, geared towards defining roles, responsibilities, and acceptable rules of behavior.



Publication | CSS Analyses in Security Policy
Assessing Hybrid War: Separating Fact from Fiction

Fear of “Hybrid War”, a blanket term describing gray zone aggression short of all-​out war, remains widespread. Many expect information technology to enable revolutionary gains in this strategic space. Yet, Hybrid War’s track record does not support these expectations. Consequently, it is crucial to conduct a more systematic assessment of the different instruments used under this umbrella term, explains Lennart Maschmeyer.

Publication| CSS Policy Perspectives
Making Cyber Attribution More Transparent

Following the example of Intrusion Truth, governments should substantiate their attribution statements that identify the perpetrators of malicious cyber operations with open-​source intelligence, argues Eugenio Benincasa.

Recent Publications

Other Activites

Media Citation | Un proche de Poutine sous sanctions aurait été soigné dans une clinique privée zurichoise

A data leak reveals that Alexander Babakov, a Russian oligarch and vice president of the State Duma who has been under sanctions since 2014, allegedly received authorizations for medical exams in Zurich. This data leak was provided by the Ukrainian hacking group Kyber Sprotyv. CSS researcher Stefan Soesanto explains in this Le Temps article that the group has privileged relations with Ukrainian intelligence services in general and special forces in particular.

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Media Interview | Zivilisten mit Smartphones können im Krieg entscheidend sein

Starlink satellites help the Ukrainian army to track, in real-​time, how Russia prepares its attacks. So, how is Elon Musk influencing the course of the war? CSS Researcher Stefan Soesanto weighs in on the given question in this interview with Zeit Online.

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Media Citation | E-enemy, FirstAidrobot og Eppo: Digitale værktøjer har indtaget slagmarken i Ukraine

In this interview with the Danish Version2, CSS Researcher Stefan Soesanto talks about the use of digital applications during the war in Ukraine. He references seven digital services that have played a role in the war so far.

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Media Interview | «Die übertriebene Angst vor dem Cyberkrieg hat Russland in die Hände gespielt»

Computers are not designed to kill people. That's why cyberattacks have not played a decisive role in the Ukraine war. However, they have one big advantage: uncertainty. In this interview, CSS' Lennart Maschmeyer explains how the impact of cyber operations in the Ukraine war is often overestimated.

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Myriam Dunn Cavelty

Tel: +41 44 632 07 55

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