How to Keep the FARC Guerillas Out of the Fight

After years of tumultuous peace talks, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) rebel group bid a final “farewell” to arms in June. To decisively break with its past, Colombia must be smart in its approach to reintegrating combatants back into society.

Source: Flickr (UK Mission to the UN/Lorey Campese)

After years of tumultuous peace talks, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) rebel group bid a final “farewell” to arms in June. The act heralds the end of a 52-year conflict. But for Colombia to decisively break with its past, it must be smart in its approach to reintegrating combatants back into society. This New York Times Op-Ed by CSS' Enzo Nussio and Oliver Kaplan presents strategies to deal with this challenge.

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