Addressing Religion in Conflict: Insights and Case Studies from Myanmar

This publication captures and highlights the learning points and good practices of selected peacebuilding approaches to interfaith tensions in Myanmar following the outbreaks of violence in 2012. Key insights are drawn from research on three case studies: the Flower Speech Campaign by Panzagar, the Local Resilience for Peace-program by Mercy Corps, and the Religion and Rule of Law Training by the Institute for Global Engagement.

Sue Htet Aung, Pyithu (people) series, acryl on canvas, 2016.

In particular, the insights of the publication are given in response to five questions frequently asked by peacebuilders facing conflicts with religious dimensions, including 1) how does religion drive conflict; 2) how do we address religion in conflict; 3) how do we work on religion in conflict without making it worse, and more. While the insights are context specific, they also provide relevant lessons for the wider community of practitioners and policy makers working on peace, conflict and religion.

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