The Consequences of Terrorism on Migration Attitudes Across Europe

How do terrorist attacks influence migration attitudes? This study by Enzo Nussio, Vincenzo Bove and Bridget Steele suggests that sharing experiences with immigrants on a daily basis may make people less receptive to discourses linking migration to terrorism.

The Bataclan Club in Paris. Céline Harrand / Flickr

How do terrorist attacks influence public opinion on migration? To address this question, this study looked at the case of the 2015 Bataclan attacks. The authors find that people living in homogenous societies with little immigration experience became more negative towards migrants in the wake of the 2015 attacks. However, this was not the case for people living in mixed societies. Based on these findings the authors conclude that sharing experiences with immigrants on a daily basis may make people less receptive to discourses linking migration to terrorism.

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