No. 123: Israeli Perspectives on the Arab Uprisings

No. 123: Israeli Perspectives on the Arab Uprisings

Author(s): Tova Norlén
Editor(s): Daniel Möckli
Series: CSS Analyses in Security Policy
Issue: 123
Publisher(s): Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zurich
Publication Year: 2012

The reaction to the Arab revolts that began in 2011 was more sceptical in Israel than in other countries. This is because most Jewish Israelis agree that the net effect of the fundamental changes in the Arab world will be negative for Israel's security. What Israelis do not agree about, however, is how the country should best respond to these changes. While there are those who argue that Israel should engage with its neighborhood in order to lessen its toxic image in the Arab world, many Israelis take the more hawkish view that the country should retreat and focus on enhancing its military capacity to counter future threats.


Enlarged view:
Israel in a Changing Neighbourhood
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