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The Center for Security Studies (CSS) at ETH Zürich is a center of competence for Swiss and international security policy. It offers security policy expertise in research, teaching, and consulting activities.
The CSS promotes understanding of security policy challenges as a contribution to a more peaceful world. Its work is independent, practice-relevant, and based on a sound academic footing. It combines research and policy consultancy and, as such, functions as a bridge between academia and practice. It trains highly qualified junior researchers and serves as a point of contact and information for the interested public.
Since 2002, Prof. Dr. Andreas Wenger has headed the CSS, which is part of the Department of Humanities, Social, and Political Sciences (D-GESS) at ETH Zürich and was founded in 1986 by Prof. Dr. Kurt Spillmann. Together with the political science professorships at ETH Zürich and the University of Zurich, it makes up the Center for Comparative and International Studies (CIS). Read more
The CSS has maintained a strategic partnership with the Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection, and Sports (DDPS) since 2004 and a similar partnership with the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) since 2012.