No. 17: Sarkozy to set New Course for French Foreign Policy

No. 17: Sarkozy to set New Course for French Foreign Policy

Author(s): Daniel Möckli, Dirk Leuffen
Editor(s): Daniel Möckli
Series: CSS Analyses in Security Policy
Issue: 17
Publisher(s): Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zurich
Publication Year: 2007

Newly elected French President Nicolas Sarkozy is expected to introduce new dynamism and a new course for French foreign policy. At the European level, France seeks to strengthen the EU's ability to act, in an effort that may also include more supranational elements. In his relationship with the US, Sarkozy is in favor of renouncing traditional Gaullism and establishing a new Franco-American partnership. The transition in Paris creates an opportunity to intensify European and transatlantic cooperation and to revitalize the West.
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