No. 21: Is Turkey Heading for Strategic Reorientation?

No. 21: Is Turkey Heading for Strategic Reorientation?

Author(s): Cornelius Friesendorf
Editor(s): Daniel Möckli
Series: CSS Analyses in Security Policy
Issue: 21
Publisher(s): Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zurich
Publication Year: 2007

The consolidation of power achieved by the religious-conservative AKP party, the tensions in relations with the US, and the difficult negotiations with the EU raise questions about the future strategic orientation of Turkey. A fundamental reconsideration of the country's Western alignment is unlikely. It is quite possible that a larger role for Ankara in the regional politics of the Near and Middle East could be in line with the interests of the West. One precondition, however, would be for Europe and the US to offer Turkey the prospect of comprehensive foreign and security policy cooperation.
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