No. 240 Rapprochement on the Korean Peninsula

No. 240 Rapprochement on the Korean Peninsula

Author(s): Linda Maduz
Editor(s): Fabien Merz
Series Editor(s): Lisa Watanabe, Fabien Merz, Benno Zogg
Series: CSS Analyses in Security Policy
Issue: 240
Publisher(s): Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zurich
Publication Year: 2019

The two Korean states are currently on a course of rapprochement. This development has led to détente in the international crisis surrounding North Korea’s nuclear program. If this path of reconciliation is to be consolidated and a potentially enduring resolution of the Korean conflict achieved, both of the Koreas, as well as the other global parties to the conflict, must seize the opportunities arising from current domestic trends.


Enlarged view:
Steps towards Rapprochement between North and South Korea
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