China-Russia Relations and Transatlantic Security

China-Russia Relations and Transatlantic Security

Author(s): Brian G. Carlson
Editor(s): Brian G. Carlson, Oliver Thränert
Series Editor(s): Andreas Wenger
Book Title: Strategic Trends 2021: Key Developments in Global Affairs
Series: Strategic Trends
Pages: 11-36
Publisher(s): Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zürich
Publication Year: 2021
Publication Place: Zürich

The China-Russia relationship is an increasingly important factor in transatlantic security. Russia and China pose security challenges to the Euro-Atlantic region in distinct and mostly uncoordinated ways, but their partnership allows both countries to pursue spheres of influence close to home. The United States and its allies will therefore face growing security challenges in both the Euro-Atlantic and Asia-Pacific regions. The rise of China will force the United States to devote increased attention and military assets to Asia, underscoring the need for a strengthened European pillar in NATO.


Enlarged view:
China-Russia Relations and Defense Cooperation
Enlarged view:
Military Spending
Enlarged view:
Russia, China, and European Security
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