Organizations and Resources Network

The Centre for Defence and International Security Studies (CDISS) is an independent, nonpartisan, not-for-profit think tank providing a focus for innovative thinking on current defense and security issues. It is the oldest surviving center of its kind in the UK, having originated at Lancaster University during the height of the Cold War in the early 1970s. Since its inception, it has contributed significantly to a broad range of defense and security debates, given assistance to government departments, armed forces and industry in both the UK and abroad, and made contributions that secured its recognition as a nongovernmental organization by the UN.

Established 1990
Address Centre for Defence and International Security Studies (CDiSS)
P.O. Box 801 Lancaster, LA1 9DX United Kingdom
Telephone +44 152 422 15 85
Fax +44 152 422 15 85
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