Organizations and Resources Network

The Foundation participates in society’s activities by pursuing ends that are of public interest and social utility, with the aim of favoring civil, cultural, and economic development in the community in which it is active. Development is thus the goal, but also the criterion according to which the initiatives supported by the Compagnia are evaluated.The areas in which the Compagnia acts are those of scientific, economic and juridical research; education; art; conservation and enhancement of cultural heritage and activities and of heritage sites; health; assistance to the socially deprived categories. These areas of intervention go side by side with interdisciplinary activities, which are more and more needed in order to respond to the complexity of modern life.

Established 1563
Address Compagnia di San Paolo Vittorio Emanuele II,75 10128 Turin Italy
Telephone +39 011 559 69 11
Fax +39 011 559 69 76
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