The Eurasian Union: An Experiment in Finding a Place in the New World

The Eurasian Union: An Experiment in Finding a Place in the New World

Autor(en): Fyodor Lukyanov
Herausgeber: Jeronim Perovic, Lili Di Puppo, Iris Kempe, Heiko Pleines, Matthias Neumann, Robert Orttung
Serie: Caucasus Analytical Digest (CAD)
Ausgabe: 51
Seiten: 8-10
Verlag(e): Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zurich; Research Centre for East European Studies, University of Bremen; Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies, George Washington University
Publikationsjahr: 2013

Russia’s leadership is strongly attached to the idea of rebuilding the economic ties that existed in the former Soviet Union. Although many critics denounce this idea as a reflection of Russian imperialism, it represents a Russian attempt to build a structure similar to the European Union in Eurasia. However, many obstacles remain to the establishment of such an organization, including the authoritarian nature of the regimes involved.
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