Freedom House - The Annual Survey of Political Rights and Civil Liberties

Freedom House - The Annual Survey of Political Rights and Civil Liberties

Autor(en): Christopher Walker
Herausgeber: Matthias Neumann, Robert Orttung, Jeronim Perovic, Heiko Pleines, Hans-Henning Schröder
Serie: Russian Analytical Digest (RAD)
Ausgabe: 21
Seiten: 5-6
Verlag(e): Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zurich; Research Centre for East European Studies, University of Bremen
Publikationsjahr: 2007

Through a number of analytical publications, Freedom House calls attention to global trends in freedom and democracy. Beginning in 1973 with Freedom in the World, Freedom House's annual survey of political rights and civil liberties, Freedom House has published comparative surveys and special reports focused on the state of democracy and human rights around the world. Freedom House also publishes Freedom of the Press, an annual report on media independence around the world; Nations in Transit, which examines democratic development in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union; and Countries at the Crossroads, which examines democratic governance in 60 key countries that are at a crossroads in determining their political future. These surveys and reports are produced by a team of regional and country experts, consultants, and staff editors. Each survey is the product of a rigorous methodology developed by prominent experts in political science, economics, human rights, and press freedom.
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