Vladimir Putin’s Civilizational Turn

Vladimir Putin’s Civilizational Turn

Autor(en): Andrei P. Tsygankov
Herausgeber: Stephen Aris, Matthias Neumann, Robert Orttung, Jeronim Perovic, Heiko Pleines, Hans-Henning Schröder, Aglaya Snetkov
Serie: Russian Analytical Digest (RAD)
Ausgabe: 127
Seiten: 5-7
Verlag(e): Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zurich; Research Centre for East European Studies, University of Bremen; Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies, George Washington University
Publikationsjahr: 2013

Vladimir Putin’s arrival to power was accompanied by the new rhetoric of Russia as a distinct system of cultural values or civilization. Although the new civilizational discourse has not replaced that of globalization and national interests, it is increasingly deployed to shape and frame Russia’s domestic and international priorities. Historically subject to Western and Islamic influences, Russia now seeks to position itself as a power capable of synthesizing these influences and assisting the world in managing global cultural diversity.
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