Artificial Intelligence and UN Peace Missions

Artificial Intelligence and UN Peace Missions

Author(s): Sascha Langenbach, Myriam Dunn Cavelty, Leo Eigner, Andreas Wenger
Journal Title: VN Vereinte Nationen
Publisher(s): Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag
Publication Year: 2024

Advances in machine learning have sparked a global debate on the opportunities and risks of Artificial Intelligence (AI). For the United Nations, AI is relevant in three different respects: first, AI methods can help UN staff analyze large datasets from conflict zones and respond to new digital threats. Second, AI projects can be an impetus for organizational change by prompting long-term improvements in data collection and recruiting. Finally, ›in-house‹ AI projects enable learning-by-doing: they allow the UN to develop internal governance principles for responsible technology use, which can also inform the UN’s role in regulatory debates among member states.
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