Synthesis 2018: Focus on Asia: Continuity and Specificities

Synthesis 2018: Focus on Asia: Continuity and Specificities

Author(s): Marie Baezner
Series: CSS Cyber Defense Hotspot Analysis
Publisher(s): Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zurich
Publication Year: 2019

This Hotspot Synthesis identifies trends from three recent CSS Hotspot Analyses on cyber-activities in Asia. It also highlights how these trends underscore the lack of agreement on the use of cyberspace and what constitutes legitimate and illegitimate behavior in cyberspace. In particular, the three trends identified are 1) that North Korea uses cybercriminal activities to fund its nuclear program or government, bypassing international sanctions; 2) events in South Asia show that non-state actors are involving themselves in geopolitical events via cyberspace, and 3) Western nations affected by cyberattacks originating from Asia have difficulties in formulating effective strategic responses to them. The text also reflects on trends identified in Hotspot Synthesis 2017.
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