Book Chapters

Progressive Politics and the Rise of the Modern Right

Progressive Politics and the Rise of the Modern Right

Author(s): John M. Thompson
Editor(s): David B. Woolner, John M. Thompson
Publisher(s): Oxford University Press
Publication Year: 2016

Stepping Stones to Peace? Natural Resource Provisions in Peace Agreements

Stepping Stones to Peace? Natural Resource Provisions in Peace Agreements

Author(s): Simon Mason, Damiano Sguaitamatti, Maria del Pilar Ramirez Gröbli
Editor(s): Carl Bruch, Carroll Muffett, Sandra S. Nichols
Series: Earthscan from Routledge
Publisher(s): Routledge
Publication Year: 2016

'Seeing Futures' - Politics of Visuality and Affect

'Seeing Futures' - Politics of Visuality and Affect

Author(s): Matthias Leese
Editor(s): Louise Amoore, Volha Piotukh
Publisher(s): Routledge
Publication Year: 2016



Author(s): Myriam Dunn Cavelty
Editor(s): Allan Collins
Publisher(s): Oxford University Press
Publication Year: 2016

Ambiguous Expectations: Future Scenarios and Key Variables for the Transatlantic Relationship

Ambiguous Expectations: Future Scenarios and Key Variables for the Transatlantic Relationship

Author(s): Daniel Keohane
Editor(s): Alexandra de Hoop Sheffer, Martin Michelot, Martin Quencez
Series: Transatlantic Security and the Future of NATO Series
Publisher(s): The German Marshall Fund of the United States
Publication Year: 2016

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