Book Chapters
Il Quadro Internazionale di Riferimento: La Cybersecurity in Francia e Repubblica Ceca
Author(s): Matteo E. Bonfanti
Editor(s): Roberto Baldoni, Rocco De Nicola
Publication Year: 2015
What is Religion?
Author(s): Klaus Hock
Editor(s): WBG (Übersetzt von CSS ETH Zürich)
Publication Year: 2015
Security and the Absurd Event: What the Zombie Apocalypse Teaches us About Resilience
Author(s): Matthias Leese
Editor(s): Simon Meisch, Johannes Lundershausen, Leonie Bossert, Marcus Rockoff
Publisher(s): Nomos
Publication Year: 2015
Privacy and Security - On the Evolution of a European Conflict
Author(s): Matthias Leese
Editor(s): Serge Gutwirth, Ronald Leenes, Paul de Hert
Publisher(s): Springer
Publication Year: 2015
Nach Kabul und Krim - Deutschland in EU und NATO
Author(s): Martin Zapfe
Editor(s): Rainer L. Glatz, Rolf Tophoven
Publisher(s): Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung
Publication Year: 2015