No. 59: Iran: Domestic Crisis and Options for the West

No. 59: Iran: Domestic Crisis and Options for the West

Author(s): Roland Popp
Editor(s): Daniel Trachsler
Series: CSS Analyses in Security Policy
Issue: 59
Publisher(s): Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich
Publication Year: 2009

The domestic crisis that arose in the wake of the presidential elections of 12 June 2009 constitutes a fundamental challenge to Iran's political system, which is based largely on religious legitimacy. Opposition protesters and regime loyalists are facing off in an increasingly intractable confrontation. At the same time, the conflicts within Iran's ruling elite are intensifying. While the ultimate outcome of the domestic struggle remains uncertain, it seems unlikely that there will be positive effects on the nuclear issue, with the West being confronted with a severe dilemma as to how to proceed.
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