No. 64: British Defence Policy at a Crossroads: East of Suez Revisited?

No. 64: British Defence Policy at a Crossroads: East of Suez Revisited?

Author(s): Aleksandra Dier
Editor(s): Daniel Möckli
Series: CSS Analyses in Security Policy
Issue: 64
Publisher(s): Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich
Publication Year: 2009

Britain is embarking on a new Strategic Defence Review. The current operational challenges in Afghanistan as well as the financial slump have created strong pressure for defence reform. The Review will also have to address fundamental questions about Britain's broader strategic interests and the capabilities needed to pursue them. Strengthening its European commitment could help Britain to align its global ambitions with the resources it needs to project a credible international role. Pursuing European ways to achieve global ends however remains a domestically disputed strategic option.
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