Corona-Aufarbeitung: Sind wir strategiefähig?

Corona-Aufarbeitung: Sind wir strategiefähig?

Author(s): Amos Dossi
Editor(s): Annabelle Vuille
Series: CSS Policy Perspectives
Volume: 8
Issue: 7
Publisher(s): Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zurich
Publication Year: 2020
Publication Place: Zurich

The health emergency and its economic consequences bear risks and opportunities for Europe's armed forces, argues Amos Dossi in this CSS Policy Perspective. On the one hand, there are short-term interventions in specifications and budgets, on the other hand long-term constructive impulses. Whether the armed forces will have to accept major cuts or gain legitimacy depends to a large extent on whether the interpretation of the current crisis takes place against the backdrop of a broad spectrum of realistic crisis scenarios. Such a perspective views the armed forces as the backbone of an integral crisis insurance, which favors subsidiary synergies without putting core military tasks at risk.
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