Contact Theory with No Contact: Facilitating Dialogue Online

Contact Theory with No Contact: Facilitating Dialogue Online

Author(s): Inbal Ben-Ezer
Editor(s): Katrina Abatis
Series Editor(s): Simon J. A. Mason
Series: CSS Mediation Resources
Publisher(s): Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zürich
Publication Year: 2023
Publication Place: Zürich

“Contact Theory” is a robust academic theory showing that contact between groups typically reduces prejudice and improves intergroup relations. Bringing adversaries together is a prominent peacebuilding strategy and a significant part of any dialogue, negotiation, or mediation process: at some point, parties meet. At the same time, accelerated processes of digitalization in the 21st century have drastically changed the possibilities for interpersonal encounters. Now meeting online, in electronically mediated interactions, is both possible and commonplace. The question then arises: to what extent is intergroup contact effective in positively influencing intergroup attitudes and relations online? Reviewing both current academic literature and experiences from practice, this paper attempts to answer this question and provide initial guidance to peace practitioners who – whether by choice or necessity – organize encounters between groups in conflict online.
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