
Apr 2009

This issue of Russia in Global Affairs asks how the changes in the economic situation could affect Russia's development prospects. It deals with modernization, the liberalization of Russian politics and the development of a new social contract. The publication is also concerned with the global rearrangement, looking at how to bring the Cold War to an end and create prosperous cooperation with Russia's eastern and southern neighbors and its peers in the BRIC states. It also raises the strategic and economic role of Russia's immense reservoirs of freshwater. On the global outlook, it examines the legal implications of the crisis and asks whether the economic downturn really resembles the Great Depression.

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Author Dmitry Furman, Dmitry Badovsky, Alexander Auzan, Vladimir Shveitser, Valery Zorkin, Vladislav Inozemtsev, Sergei Karaganov, Alexander Lukin, Sergei Luzyanin, Jahangir Karami, Mikhail Troitsky, Alexander Ignatenko, Vassily Belozyorov, Hansjörg Haber
Series Russia in Global Affairs
Issue 2
Publisher Russia in Global Affairs
Copyright © 2009 Foreign Policy Research Foundation
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