
Dec 2005

This issue of Russia in Global Affairs offers a variety of views on Russia's national sovereignty and the threats to its existence, as well as Russia's ability to pursue an independent and effective foreign policy. According to the editor-in-chief, in this respect the year 2005 was divided into two parts: the first half was marked by a nervousness derived from a series of negative developments, such as the terrorist attack on Beslan, and Moscow's "defeat" in Ukrainian elections. The second half, however, witnessed a rise in the self-confidence of the Russian establishment following the US' inability to solve the global problems it has vowed to address and the crisis in the European Union.

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Author Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Mikhail Delyagin, Vladimir Dvorkin, Vladimir Frolov, Leonid Grigoriev, Sven Hirdman, Vlad Ivanenko, Sergei Karaganov, Sergei Kortunov, Mikhail Leontyev, Fyodor Lukyanov, Vladimir Milov, Vladimir Ryzhkov, Robert A. Saunders, Fyodor Shelov-Kovediayev, Ivan Sukhov, Valery Tishkov, Yulia Urozhaeva
Series Russia in Global Affairs
Issue 4
Publisher Russia in Global Affairs
Copyright © 2005 Globus Publishing House
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