

The Strategic Assessment 1997 examines the flashpoints which may erupt into conflicts in the late 1990s and early 2000s and, on the basis of the analysis of threat environment, some ways to structure US forces in the future. The authors discuss flashpoints involving major powers, significant regional contingencies, troubled states and transnational problems and conclude with three force structure models for the US military.

Author Patrick Clawson, James Brusstar, Vernon Penner, Ronald Montaperto, Paul Giarra, Robert Manning, James Zackrison, Phebe Marr, William Drennan, Michael Eisenstadt, Nancy Anderson, Jed Snyder, Paula DeSutter, George Fidas, Jeffrey Simon, James Woods, Judith Yaphe, Alberto Coll, Rensselaer Lee III, Brian Sullivan, Erik Kjonnerod, Laurie McNamara, Judith Mayotte, Patrick Clawson, Michael Martus, Robert Oakley, Stuart Johnson, James Blaker
Series INSS Strategic Assessments NDU, US
Publisher Institute for National Strategic Studies (INSS)
Copyright © 1997 Institute for National Strategic Studies (INSS)
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