
Jun 2016

This paper examines the concerns that exist over the EU’s democratic legitimacy, along with the European project as a whole. More specifically, the text’s authors 1) review how the legitimacy debate fits within the broader institutional crises that now exist at the national and global levels; 2) explore the mechanisms through which EU institutions seek to gain democratic legitimacy, primarily via public engagement; 3) place the legitimacy debate within the Brexit vote and the fallout from the Greek debt crisis; and 4) recommends options that Brussels might pursue to enhance its democratic credentials.

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Author Adam Hug (Editor), Damian Chalmers, Matt Wood, Jim Buller, Victoria Honeyman, Oli Henman, Marina Prentoulis, Adriaan Schout, Hedwich van der Bij, James Mitchell
Series FPC Publications
Publisher Foreign Policy Centre (FPC)
Copyright © 2016 Foreign Policy Centre
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